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Filling the congregation with His power and presence

Welcome to the worship team page!

As a member of this team, you have an important role in leading the congregation in worship. To help you understand the different roles that make up the worship team.

Here is a brief overview:

Worship Leader

The worship leader is responsible for planning and leading the worship service, selecting the songs and prayers, and facilitating the flow of the service. The worship leader may also play an instrument or sing as part of the worship team.


These may include guitarists, bass players, drummers, keyboard players, and other instrumentalists. They are responsible for providing musical accompaniment and support for the worship leader and the rest of the team.


These team members sing harmonies and support the worship leader in leading the congregation in singing.

Technical Support Staff

These individuals, such as sound engineers and media coordinators, ensure that the sound and media elements of the service are working properly and enhance the worship experience.

All members of the worship team need to work together in a spirit of unity and cooperation, with the goal of leading the congregation in a meaningful and uplifting worship experience. Thank you for your dedication to serving in your role on the worship team. May God bless your efforts and use you to bring glory to His name.

Reach Out to Us!

If you have any inquiries or concerns about us or the ministries we have, please do not hesitate to connect with us today!